/* Peggy CREC Keyword File * $Id: ac_yamahart.kwd,v 1.1 2009/07/26 13:47:20 nzawa Exp nzawa $ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * [Language] * YAMAHA RT-Series Router Config * * RTX3000, RTX2000, RTX1500, RTX1200, RTX1100, * RTX1000, RT300i, RT250i, RT107e, SRT100, * * Rev.6.03.34, Rev.7.00.30, Rev.7.01.53, * Rev.8.01.27, Rev.8.02.43, Rev.8.03.76, * Rev.9.00.37, Rev.10.00.38, Rev.10.01.01 * コマンドリファレンス準拠 * http://netvolante.jp/download/manual/ * * * _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ COPYRIGHT NOTICE _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ * * Copyright (c) 2009 Nzawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ */ Id: "YAMAHART" Title: "YAMAHA RT-Series Router Config" BgColoring: Off BaseLanguage: "TEXT" LineComment: "#" IdCharacters: "_-.:" Const CMDCOLOR = FgKeyword Const ARG = 1 Const DQSTR = 2 Const CMD_BRIDGE = 3 Const CMD_ETHERNET = 4 Const CMD_IP = 5 Const CMD_IPV6 = 6 Const CMD_IPX = 7 Const CMD_PROVIDER = 8 Const CMD_QUEUE = 9 Const CMD_URL = 10 Const CMD_VLAN = 11 Context ARG: { '"', FgString, GoTo DQSTR, @off /\<([12]?\d{1,2}\.){3}[12]?\d{1,2}(\/\d\d?)?\>/, FgNumber // IPv4アドレスらしき文字列 /\<[a-f\d]{1,4}(:[a-f\d]{1,4}){7}\>/i, FgNumber // IPv6アドレスらしき文字列 /\<([a-f\d]{1,4}:)+(:[a-f\d]{1,4})+\>/i, FgNumber // IPv6アドレスらしき文字列 /\<([a-f\d]{1,4}:){1,6}:/i, FgNumber // IPv6アドレスらしき文字列 /:(:[a-f\d]{1,4}){1,6}\>/i, FgNumber // IPv6アドレスらしき文字列 /\<([a-f\d][a-f\d]:){5}[a-f\d][a-f\d]\>/i, FgNumber // MACアドレスらしき文字列 /\<\d+\>/, FgNumber // 数値 /([\w-]+\.)+(arpa|com|jp|net|org)/i, FgHTMLURL // ドメイン名らしき文字列 // プロトコルを表すニーモニック "ah"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "51" "domain"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "53" "esp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "50" "established"i, FgPredefinedSymbol "finger"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "79" "ftp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "20,21" "ftpdata"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "20" "gopher"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "70" "gre"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "47" "icmp-error"i, FgPredefinedSymbol "icmp-info"i, FgPredefinedSymbol "icmp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "1" "icmp6"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "58" "ident"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "113" "ipv6"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "41" "nntp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "119" "ntp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "123" "pop3"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "110" "printer"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "515" "route"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "520" "smtp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "25" "snmp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "161" "sunrpc"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "111" "syslog"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "514" "talk"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "517" "tcp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "6" "tcpfin"i, FgPredefinedSymbol "tcpflag"i, FgPredefinedSymbol "tcprst"i, FgPredefinedSymbol "telnet"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "23" "udp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "17" "uucp"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "540" "www"i, FgPredefinedSymbol, "80" /$/, GoTo 1 Default, FgText } Context DQSTR: { '"', FgString, GoTo ARG, @off Default, FgString } Context 1: { // コメント /#.*/, FgComment "no"i, CMDCOLOR /\baccount +threshold +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'account threshold pp' /\baccount +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'account threshold' /\badministrator +password +encrypted\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'administrator password encrypted' /\badministrator +password\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'administrator password' "administrator"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\balarm +entire\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'alarm entire' /\balarm +http +revision-up\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'alarm http revision-up' /\balarm +http +upload\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'alarm http upload' /\balarm +mobile\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'alarm mobile' /\balarm +sd\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'alarm sd' /\balarm +startup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'alarm startup' /\balarm +usbhost\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'alarm usbhost' /\bauth +user +attribute\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'auth user attribute' /\bauth +user +group +attribute\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'auth user group attribute' /\bauth +user +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'auth user group' /\bauth +user\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'auth user' /\bbgp +aggregate +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp aggregate filter' /\bbgp +aggregate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp aggregate' /\bbgp +autonomous-system\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp autonomous-system' /\bbgp +configure +refresh\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp configure refresh' /\bbgp +export +aspath\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp export aspath' /\bbgp +export +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp export filter' /\bbgp +export\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp export' /\bbgp +import +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp import filter' /\bbgp +import\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp import' /\bbgp +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp log' /\bbgp +neighbor\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp neighbor' /\bbgp +preference\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp preference' /\bbgp +router +id\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp router id' /\bbgp +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bgp use' /\bbridge +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge filter' /\bbridge +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge group' /\bbridge +learning +expire\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge learning expire' /\bbridge +learning\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge learning' /\bbridge +member\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge member' /\bbridge +pp +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge pp filter' /\bbridge +pp +learning\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge pp learning' /\bbridge +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'bridge use' "bridge"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_BRIDGE, @off /\bclear +account +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear account pp' /\bclear +account\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear account' /\bclear +arp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear arp' /\bclear +bridge +learning\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear bridge learning' /\bclear +diagnosis +config +port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear diagnosis config port' /\bclear +dns +cache\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear dns cache' /\bclear +inarp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear inarp' /\bclear +ip +dynamic +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ip dynamic routing' /\bclear +ip +inbound +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ip inbound filter' /\bclear +ip +policy +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ip policy filter' /\bclear +ip +traffic +list +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ip traffic list pp' /\bclear +ip +traffic +list +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ip traffic list tunnel' /\bclear +ip +traffic +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ip traffic list' /\bclear +ipv6 +dynamic +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ipv6 dynamic routing' /\bclear +ipv6 +inbound +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ipv6 inbound filter' /\bclear +ipv6 +neighbor +cache\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ipv6 neighbor cache' /\bclear +ipv6 +policy +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ipv6 policy filter' /\bclear +ipx +dynamic +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ipx dynamic routing' /\bclear +ipx +dynamic +sap\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear ipx dynamic sap' /\bclear +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear log' /\bclear +mobile +access +limitation +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear mobile access limitation pp' /\bclear +mobile +access +limitation\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear mobile access limitation' /\bclear +nat +descriptor +dynamic\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear nat descriptor dynamic' /\bclear +nat +descriptor +interface +dynamic +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear nat descriptor interface dynamic pp' /\bclear +nat +descriptor +interface +dynamic +tunnel\b/i,CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear nat descriptor interface dynamic tunnel' /\bclear +nat +descriptor +interface +dynamic\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear nat descriptor interface dynamic' /\bclear +pri +status\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear pri status' /\bclear +switching-hub +macaddress\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear switching-hub macaddress' /\bclear +url +filter +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear url filter pp' /\bclear +url +filter +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear url filter tunnel' /\bclear +url +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'clear url filter' /\bcold +start\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'cold start' "connect"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bconsole +character\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'console character' /\bconsole +columns\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'console columns' /\bconsole +info\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'console info' /\bconsole +lines\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'console lines' /\bconsole +prompt\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'console prompt' /\bcooperation +bandwidth-measuring +remote\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'cooperation bandwidth-measuring remote' /\bcooperation +load-watch +control\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'cooperation load-watch control' /\bcooperation +load-watch +remote\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'cooperation load-watch remote' /\bcooperation +load-watch +trigger\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'cooperation load-watch trigger' /\bcooperation +port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'cooperation port' "cooperation"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bcopy +config\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'copy config' /\bcopy +exec\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'copy exec' "date"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bdelete +config\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'delete config' /\bdelete +exec\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'delete exec' "description"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bdhcp +client +client-identifier +pool\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client client-identifier pool' /\bdhcp +client +client-identifier +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client client-identifier pp' /\bdhcp +client +client-identifier\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client client-identifier' /\bdhcp +client +hostname +pool\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client hostname pool' /\bdhcp +client +hostname +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client hostname pp' /\bdhcp +client +hostname\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client hostname' /\bdhcp +client +option +pool\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client option pool' /\bdhcp +client +option +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client option pp' /\bdhcp +client +option\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp client option' /\bdhcp +convert +lease +to +bind\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp convert lease to bind' /\bdhcp +duplicate +check\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp duplicate check' /\bdhcp +manual +lease\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp manual lease' /\bdhcp +manual +release\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp manual release' /\bdhcp +relay +select\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp relay select' /\bdhcp +relay +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp relay server' /\bdhcp +relay +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp relay threshold' /\bdhcp +scope +bind\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp scope bind' /\bdhcp +scope +lease +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp scope lease type' /\bdhcp +scope +option\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp scope option' /\bdhcp +scope\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp scope' /\bdhcp +server +rfc2131 +compliant\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp server rfc2131 compliant' /\bdhcp +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dhcp service' /\bdiagnose +config +port +access\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'diagnose config port access' /\bdiagnose +config +port +map\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'diagnose config port map' /\bdiagnosis +config +port +history-num\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'diagnosis config port history-num' /\bdiagnosis +config +port +max-detect\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'diagnosis config port max-detect' /\bdisconnect +ip +connection\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'disconnect ip connection' /\bdisconnect +ipv6 +connection\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'disconnect ipv6 connection' /\bdisconnect +user\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'disconnect user' "disconnect"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bdns +cache +max +entry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns cache max entry' /\bdns +cache +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns cache use' /\bdns +domain\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns domain' /\bdns +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns host' /\bdns +notice +order\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns notice order' /\bdns +private +address +spoof\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns private address spoof' /\bdns +server +dhcp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns server dhcp' /\bdns +server +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns server pp' /\bdns +server +select\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns server select' /\bdns +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns server' /\bdns +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns service' /\bdns +srcport\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns srcport' /\bdns +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns static' /\bdns +syslog +resolv\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'dns syslog resolv' /\bethernet +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ethernet filter' "ethernet"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_ETHERNET, @off /\bexecute +at-command\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'execute at-command' /\bexecute +batch\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'execute batch' "exit"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bexternal-memory +auto-search +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory auto-search time' /\bexternal-memory +batch +filename\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory batch filename' /\bexternal-memory +boot +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory boot permit' /\bexternal-memory +config +filename +off\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory config filename off' /\bexternal-memory +config +filename\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory config filename' /\bexternal-memory +exec +filename +off\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory exec filename off' /\bexternal-memory +exec +filename\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory exec filename' /\bexternal-memory +statistics +filename +prefix\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory statistics filename prefix' /\bexternal-memory +syslog +filename\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'external-memory syslog filename' /\bfr +backup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr backup' /\bfr +cir\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr cir' /\bfr +compression +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr compression use' /\bfr +congestion +control\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr congestion control' /\bfr +de\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr de' /\bfr +dlci\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr dlci' /\bfr +inarp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr inarp' /\bfr +lmi\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr lmi' /\bfr +pp +dequeue +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'fr pp dequeue type' /\bheartbeat +pre-shared-key\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'heartbeat pre-shared-key' /\bheartbeat +receive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'heartbeat receive' /\bheartbeat +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'heartbeat send' "help"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bhttp +revision-down +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http revision-down permit' /\bhttp +revision-up +go\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http revision-up go' /\bhttp +revision-up +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http revision-up permit' /\bhttp +revision-up +proxy\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http revision-up proxy' /\bhttp +revision-up +timeout\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http revision-up timeout' /\bhttp +revision-up +url\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http revision-up url' /\bhttp +upload +go\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http upload go' /\bhttp +upload +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http upload permit' /\bhttp +upload +proxy\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http upload proxy' /\bhttp +upload +retry +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http upload retry interval' /\bhttp +upload +timeout\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http upload timeout' /\bhttp +upload +url\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http upload url' /\bhttp +upload\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'http upload' /\bhttpd +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'httpd host' /\bhttpd +listen\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'httpd listen' /\bhttpd +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'httpd service' /\bhttpd +timeout\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'httpd timeout' /\binterface +reset +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'interface reset pp' /\binterface +reset\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'interface reset' /\bip +arp +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip arp timer' /\bip +filter +directed-broadcast\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip filter directed-broadcast' /\bip +filter +dynamic +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip filter dynamic timer' /\bip +filter +dynamic\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip filter dynamic' /\bip +filter +set\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip filter set' /\bip +filter +source-route\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip filter source-route' /\bip +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip filter' /\bip +flow +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip flow timer' /\bip +forward +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip forward filter' /\bip +fragment +remove +df-bit +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip fragment remove df-bit filter' /\bip +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip host' /\bip +icmp +echo-reply +send-only-linkup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp echo-reply send-only-linkup' /\bip +icmp +echo-reply +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp echo-reply send' /\bip +icmp +error-decrypted-ipsec +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp error-decrypted-ipsec send' /\bip +icmp +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp log' /\bip +icmp +mask-reply +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp mask-reply send' /\bip +icmp +parameter-problem +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp parameter-problem send' /\bip +icmp +redirect +receive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp redirect receive' /\bip +icmp +redirect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp redirect send' /\bip +icmp +time-exceeded +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp time-exceeded send' /\bip +icmp +timestamp-reply +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp timestamp-reply send' /\bip +icmp +unreachable +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp unreachable send' /\bip +icmp +unreachable-for-truncated +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip icmp unreachable-for-truncated send' /\bip +implicit-route +preference\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip implicit-route preference' /\bip +inbound +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip inbound filter' /\bip +keepalive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip keepalive' /\bip +local +forward +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip local forward filter' /\bip +pim +sparse +join-prune +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pim sparse join-prune send' /\bip +pim +sparse +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pim sparse log' /\bip +pim +sparse +periodic-prune +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pim sparse periodic-prune send' /\bip +pim +sparse +register-checksum\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pim sparse register-checksum' /\bip +pim +sparse +rendezvous-point +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pim sparse rendezvous-point static' /\bip +policy +address +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy address group' /\bip +policy +filter +set +enable\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy filter set enable' /\bip +policy +filter +set +switch\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy filter set switch' /\bip +policy +filter +set\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy filter set' /\bip +policy +filter +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy filter timer' /\bip +policy +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy filter' /\bip +policy +interface +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy interface group' /\bip +policy +service +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy service group' /\bip +policy +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip policy service' /\bip +pp +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp address' /\bip +pp +forward +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp forward filter' /\bip +pp +igmp +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp igmp static' /\bip +pp +igmp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp igmp' /\bip +pp +inbound +filter +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp inbound filter list' /\bip +pp +intrusion +detection +notice-interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp intrusion detection notice-interval' /\bip +pp +intrusion +detection +repeat-control\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp intrusion detection repeat-control' /\bip +pp +intrusion +detection +report\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp intrusion detection report' /\bip +pp +intrusion +detection +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp intrusion detection threshold' /\bip +pp +intrusion +detection\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp intrusion detection' /\bip +pp +mtu\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp mtu' /\bip +pp +nat +descriptor\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp nat descriptor' /\bip +pp +ospf +area\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp ospf area' /\bip +pp +ospf +neighbor\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp ospf neighbor' /\bip +pp +pim +sparse\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp pim sparse' /\bip +pp +remote +address +pool\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp remote address pool' /\bip +pp +remote +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp remote address' /\bip +pp +rip +auth +key +text\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip auth key text' /\bip +pp +rip +auth +key\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip auth key' /\bip +pp +rip +auth +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip auth type' /\bip +pp +rip +backup +interface\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip backup interface' /\bip +pp +rip +connect +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip connect interval' /\bip +pp +rip +connect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip connect send' /\bip +pp +rip +disconnect +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip disconnect interval' /\bip +pp +rip +disconnect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip disconnect send' /\bip +pp +rip +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip filter' /\bip +pp +rip +force-to-advertise\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip force-to-advertise' /\bip +pp +rip +hold +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip hold routing' /\bip +pp +rip +hop\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip hop' /\bip +pp +rip +receive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip receive' /\bip +pp +rip +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip send' /\bip +pp +rip +trust +gateway\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp rip trust gateway' /\bip +pp +secure +filter +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp secure filter name' /\bip +pp +secure +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp secure filter' /\bip +pp +tcp +mss +limit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp tcp mss limit' /\bip +pp +traffic +list +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp traffic list threshold' /\bip +pp +traffic +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip pp traffic list' /\bip +route +change +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip route change log' /\bip +route\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip route' /\bip +routing +process\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip routing process' /\bip +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip routing' /\bip +simple-service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip simple-service' /\bip +stealth\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip stealth' /\bip +tos +supersede\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tos supersede' /\bip +tunnel +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel address' /\bip +tunnel +forward +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel forward filter' /\bip +tunnel +igmp +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel igmp static' /\bip +tunnel +igmp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel igmp' /\bip +tunnel +inbound +filter +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel inbound filter list' /\bip +tunnel +intrusion +detection +notice-interval\b/i,CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel intrusion detection notice-interval' /\bip +tunnel +intrusion +detection +repeat-control\b/i,CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel intrusion detection repeat-control' /\bip +tunnel +intrusion +detection +report\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel intrusion detection report' /\bip +tunnel +intrusion +detection +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel intrusion detection threshold' /\bip +tunnel +intrusion +detection\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel intrusion detection' /\bip +tunnel +mtu\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel mtu' /\bip +tunnel +nat +descriptor\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel nat descriptor' /\bip +tunnel +ospf +area\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel ospf area' /\bip +tunnel +ospf +neighbor\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel ospf neighbor' /\bip +tunnel +pim +sparse\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel pim sparse' /\bip +tunnel +remote +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel remote address' /\bip +tunnel +rip +auth +key +text\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip auth key text' /\bip +tunnel +rip +auth +key\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip auth key' /\bip +tunnel +rip +auth +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip auth type' /\bip +tunnel +rip +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip filter' /\bip +tunnel +rip +force-to-advertise\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip force-to-advertise' /\bip +tunnel +rip +hop\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip hop' /\bip +tunnel +rip +receive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip receive' /\bip +tunnel +rip +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip send' /\bip +tunnel +rip +trust +gateway\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel rip trust gateway' /\bip +tunnel +secure +filter +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel secure filter name' /\bip +tunnel +secure +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel secure filter' /\bip +tunnel +tcp +mss +limit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel tcp mss limit' /\bip +tunnel +traffic +list +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel traffic list threshold' /\bip +tunnel +traffic +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ip tunnel traffic list' "ip"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_IP, @off /\bipsec +auto +refresh\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec auto refresh' /\bipsec +ike +always-on\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike always-on' /\bipsec +ike +duration\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike duration' /\bipsec +ike +encryption\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike encryption' /\bipsec +ike +esp-encapsulation\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike esp-encapsulation' /\bipsec +ike +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike group' /\bipsec +ike +hash\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike hash' /\bipsec +ike +keepalive +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike keepalive log' /\bipsec +ike +keepalive +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike keepalive use' /\bipsec +ike +local +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike local address' /\bipsec +ike +local +id\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike local id' /\bipsec +ike +local +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike local name' /\bipsec +ike +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike log' /\bipsec +ike +mode-cfg +address +pool\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike mode-cfg address pool' /\bipsec +ike +mode-cfg +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike mode-cfg address' /\bipsec +ike +nat-traversal\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike nat-traversal' /\bipsec +ike +negotiate-strictly\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike negotiate-strictly' /\bipsec +ike +payload +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike payload type' /\bipsec +ike +pfs\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike pfs' /\bipsec +ike +pre-shared-key\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike pre-shared-key' /\bipsec +ike +queue +length\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike queue length' /\bipsec +ike +remote +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike remote address' /\bipsec +ike +remote +id\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike remote id' /\bipsec +ike +remote +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike remote name' /\bipsec +ike +restrict-dangling-sa\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike restrict-dangling-sa' /\bipsec +ike +retry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike retry' /\bipsec +ike +send +info\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike send info' /\bipsec +ike +xauth +myname\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike xauth myname' /\bipsec +ike +xauth +request\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ike xauth request' /\bipsec +ipcomp +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec ipcomp type' /\bipsec +log +illegal-spi\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec log illegal-spi' /\bipsec +refresh +sa\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec refresh sa' /\bipsec +sa +delete\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec sa delete' /\bipsec +sa +policy\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec sa policy' /\bipsec +transport\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec transport' /\bipsec +tunnel +outer +df-bit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec tunnel outer df-bit' /\bipsec +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec tunnel' /\bipsec +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipsec use' /\bipv6 +filter +dynamic\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 filter dynamic' /\bipv6 +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 filter' /\bipv6 +icmp +echo-reply +send-only-linkup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp echo-reply send-only-linkup' /\bipv6 +icmp +echo-reply +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp echo-reply send' /\bipv6 +icmp +error-decrypted-ipsec +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp error-decrypted-ipsec send' /\bipv6 +icmp +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp log' /\bipv6 +icmp +packet-too-big +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp packet-too-big send' /\bipv6 +icmp +packet-too-big-for-truncated +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp packet-too-big-for-truncated send' /\bipv6 +icmp +parameter-problem +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp parameter-problem send' /\bipv6 +icmp +redirect +receive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp redirect receive' /\bipv6 +icmp +redirect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp redirect send' /\bipv6 +icmp +time-exceeded +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp time-exceeded send' /\bipv6 +icmp +unreachable +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 icmp unreachable send' /\bipv6 +inbound +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 inbound filter' /\bipv6 +max +auto +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 max auto address' /\bipv6 +multicast +routing +process\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 multicast routing process' /\bipv6 +nd +ns-trigger-dad\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 nd ns-trigger-dad' /\bipv6 +ospf +area +network\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf area network' /\bipv6 +ospf +area\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf area' /\bipv6 +ospf +configure +refresh\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf configure refresh' /\bipv6 +ospf +export +from +ospf\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf export from ospf' /\bipv6 +ospf +export\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf export' /\bipv6 +ospf +import +from\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf import from' /\bipv6 +ospf +import\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf import' /\bipv6 +ospf +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf log' /\bipv6 +ospf +preference\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf preference' /\bipv6 +ospf +router +id\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf router id' /\bipv6 +ospf +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf use' /\bipv6 +ospf +virtual-link\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 ospf virtual-link' /\bipv6 +policy +address +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy address group' /\bipv6 +policy +filter +set +enable\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy filter set enable' /\bipv6 +policy +filter +set +switch\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy filter set switch' /\bipv6 +policy +filter +set\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy filter set' /\bipv6 +policy +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy filter' /\bipv6 +policy +interface +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy interface group' /\bipv6 +policy +service +group\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy service group' /\bipv6 +policy +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 policy service' /\bipv6 +pp +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp address' /\bipv6 +pp +dad +retry +count\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp dad retry count' /\bipv6 +pp +inbound +filter +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp inbound filter list' /\bipv6 +pp +mld +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp mld static' /\bipv6 +pp +mld\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp mld' /\bipv6 +pp +mtu\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp mtu' /\bipv6 +pp +ospf +area\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp ospf area' /\bipv6 +pp +prefix\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp prefix' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +connect +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip connect interval' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +connect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip connect send' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +disconnect +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip disconnect interval' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +disconnect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip disconnect send' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip filter' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +hold +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip hold routing' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +hop\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip hop' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +receive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip receive' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip send' /\bipv6 +pp +rip +trust +gateway\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rip trust gateway' /\bipv6 +pp +rtadv +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp rtadv send' /\bipv6 +pp +secure +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp secure filter' /\bipv6 +pp +tcp +mss +limit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 pp tcp mss limit' /\bipv6 +prefix\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 prefix' /\bipv6 +rh0 +discard\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 rh0 discard' /\bipv6 +rip +preference\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 rip preference' /\bipv6 +rip +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 rip use' /\bipv6 +route\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 route' /\bipv6 +routing +process\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 routing process' /\bipv6 +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 routing' /\bipv6 +source +address +selection +rule\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 source address selection rule' /\bipv6 +stealth\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 stealth' /\bipv6 +tunnel +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel address' /\bipv6 +tunnel +inbound +filter +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel inbound filter list' /\bipv6 +tunnel +mld +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel mld static' /\bipv6 +tunnel +mld\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel mld' /\bipv6 +tunnel +ospf +area\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel ospf area' /\bipv6 +tunnel +prefix\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel prefix' /\bipv6 +tunnel +rip +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel rip filter' /\bipv6 +tunnel +rip +receive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel rip receive' /\bipv6 +tunnel +rip +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel rip send' /\bipv6 +tunnel +secure +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel secure filter' /\bipv6 +tunnel +tcp +mss +limit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipv6 tunnel tcp mss limit' "ipv6"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_IPV6, @off /\bipx +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx filter' /\bipx +pp +ipxwan +primnet\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ipxwan primnet' /\bipx +pp +ipxwan +retry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ipxwan retry' /\bipx +pp +ipxwan +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ipxwan use' /\bipx +pp +network\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp network' /\bipx +pp +ripsap +connect +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ripsap connect interval' /\bipx +pp +ripsap +connect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ripsap connect send' /\bipx +pp +ripsap +disconnect +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ripsap disconnect interval' /\bipx +pp +ripsap +disconnect +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ripsap disconnect send' /\bipx +pp +ripsap +hold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp ripsap hold' /\bipx +pp +route\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp route' /\bipx +pp +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp routing' /\bipx +pp +secure +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp secure filter' /\bipx +pp +serialization +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp serialization filter' /\bipx +pp +spx +keepalive +proxy\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp spx keepalive proxy' /\bipx +pp +spx +keepalive +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp spx keepalive timer' /\bipx +pp +watchdog +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp watchdog interval' /\bipx +pp +watchdog +proxy\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx pp watchdog proxy' /\bipx +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx routing' /\bipx +sap +response\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx sap response' /\bipx +sap\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ipx sap' "ipx"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_IPX, @off /\bisdn +arrive +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn arrive permit' /\bisdn +auto +connect\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn auto connect' /\bisdn +call +block +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn call block time' /\bisdn +call +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn call permit' /\bisdn +call +prohibit +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn call prohibit time' /\bisdn +callback +mscbcp +user-specify\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn callback mscbcp user-specify' /\bisdn +callback +permit +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn callback permit type' /\bisdn +callback +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn callback permit' /\bisdn +callback +request +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn callback request type' /\bisdn +callback +request\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn callback request' /\bisdn +callback +response +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn callback response time' /\bisdn +callback +wait +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn callback wait time' /\bisdn +disconnect +input +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn disconnect input time' /\bisdn +disconnect +interval +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn disconnect interval time' /\bisdn +disconnect +output +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn disconnect output time' /\bisdn +disconnect +policy\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn disconnect policy' /\bisdn +disconnect +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn disconnect time' /\bisdn +dsu\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn dsu' /\bisdn +fast +disconnect +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn fast disconnect time' /\bisdn +forced +disconnect +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn forced disconnect time' /\bisdn +local +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn local address' /\bisdn +piafs +arrive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn piafs arrive' /\bisdn +piafs +call\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn piafs call' /\bisdn +piafs +control\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn piafs control' /\bisdn +remote +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn remote address' /\bisdn +remote +call +order\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn remote call order' /\bisdn +terminator\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'isdn terminator' /\blan +backup +recovery +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan backup recovery time' /\blan +backup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan backup' /\blan +keepalive +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan keepalive interval' /\blan +keepalive +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan keepalive log' /\blan +keepalive +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan keepalive use' /\blan +port-mirroring\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan port-mirroring' /\blan +receive-buffer-size\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan receive-buffer-size' /\blan +shutdown\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan shutdown' /\blan +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'lan type' /\bleased +backup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'leased backup' /\bleased +keepalive +down\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'leased keepalive down' /\bless +config +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'less config list' /\bless +config +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'less config pp' /\bless +config +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'less config tunnel' /\bless +config\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'less config' /\bless +exec +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'less exec list' /\bless +file +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'less file list' /\bless +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'less log' /\bline +masterclock\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'line masterclock' /\bline +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'line type' /\blogin +password +encrypted\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'login password encrypted' /\blogin +password\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'login password' /\blogin +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'login timer' /\blogin +user\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'login user' /\bmail +notify +status +exec\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail notify status exec' /\bmail +notify\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail notify' /\bmail +server +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail server name' /\bmail +server +pop\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail server pop' /\bmail +server +smtp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail server smtp' /\bmail +server +timeout\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail server timeout' /\bmail +template\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail template' /\bmail-notify +status +exec\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status exec' /\bmail-notify +status +from\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status from' /\bmail-notify +status +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status server' /\bmail-notify +status +subject\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status subject' /\bmail-notify +status +timeout\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status timeout' /\bmail-notify +status +to\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status to' /\bmail-notify +status +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status type' /\bmail-notify +status +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mail-notify status use' /\bmobile +access +limit +length\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile access limit length' /\bmobile +access +limit +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile access limit time' /\bmobile +access-point +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile access-point name' /\bmobile +auto +connect\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile auto connect' /\bmobile +call +prohibit +auth-error +count\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile call prohibit auth-error count' /\bmobile +disconnect +input +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile disconnect input time' /\bmobile +disconnect +output +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile disconnect output time' /\bmobile +disconnect +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile disconnect time' /\bmobile +display +caller +id\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile display caller id' /\bmobile +syslog\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile syslog' /\bmobile +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile type' /\bmobile +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'mobile use' /\bnat +descriptor +address +inner\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor address inner' /\bnat +descriptor +address +outer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor address outer' /\bnat +descriptor +ftp +port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor ftp port' /\bnat +descriptor +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor log' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +incoming\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade incoming' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +port +range\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade port range' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +remove +df-bit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade remove df-bit' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +rlogin\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade rlogin' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +session +limit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade session limit' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade static' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +ttl +hold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade ttl hold' /\bnat +descriptor +masquerade +unconvertible +port\b/i,CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor masquerade unconvertible port' /\bnat +descriptor +sip\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor sip' /\bnat +descriptor +static\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor static' /\bnat +descriptor +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor timer' /\bnat +descriptor +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'nat descriptor type' /\bnetvolante-dns +auto +hostname +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns auto hostname pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +auto +hostname\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns auto hostname' /\bnetvolante-dns +delete +go +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns delete go pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +delete +go\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns delete go' /\bnetvolante-dns +get +hostname +list +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns get hostname list pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +get +hostname +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns get hostname list' /\bnetvolante-dns +go +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns go pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +go\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns go' /\bnetvolante-dns +hostname +host +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns hostname host pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +hostname +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns hostname host' /\bnetvolante-dns +port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns port' /\bnetvolante-dns +retry +interval +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns retry interval pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +retry +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns retry interval' /\bnetvolante-dns +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns server' /\bnetvolante-dns +timeout +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns timeout pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +timeout\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns timeout' /\bnetvolante-dns +use +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns use pp' /\bnetvolante-dns +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'netvolante-dns use' "nslookup"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "ntpdate"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\boperation +button +function +download\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'operation button function download' /\boperation +execute +batch +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'operation execute batch permit' /\boperation +external-memory +download +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'operation external-memory download permit' /\boperation +http +revision-up +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'operation http revision-up permit' /\boperation +usb-download +permit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'operation usb-download permit' /\bospf +area +network\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf area network' /\bospf +area +stubhost\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf area stubhost' /\bospf +area\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf area' /\bospf +configure +refresh\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf configure refresh' /\bospf +export +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf export filter' /\bospf +export +from +ospf\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf export from ospf' /\bospf +import +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf import filter' /\bospf +import +from\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf import from' /\bospf +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf log' /\bospf +merge +equal +cost +stub\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf merge equal cost stub' /\bospf +preference\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf preference' /\bospf +router +id\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf router id' /\bospf +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf use' /\bospf +virtual-link\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ospf virtual-link' "ping6"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "ping"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bpp +always-on\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp always-on' /\bpp +auth +accept\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp auth accept' /\bpp +auth +multi +connect +prohibit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp auth multi connect prohibit' /\bpp +auth +myname\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp auth myname' /\bpp +auth +request\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp auth request' /\bpp +auth +username\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp auth username' /\bpp +backup +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp backup pp' /\bpp +backup +recovery +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp backup recovery time' /\bpp +backup +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp backup tunnel' /\bpp +backup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp backup' /\bpp +bind\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp bind' /\bpp +disable\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp disable' /\bpp +enable\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp enable' /\bpp +encapsulation\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp encapsulation' /\bpp +keepalive +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp keepalive interval' /\bpp +keepalive +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp keepalive log' /\bpp +keepalive +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp keepalive use' /\bpp +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp name' /\bpp +select\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pp select' /\bppp +bacp +maxconfigure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bacp maxconfigure' /\bppp +bacp +maxfailure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bacp maxfailure' /\bppp +bacp +maxterminate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bacp maxterminate' /\bppp +bacp +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bacp restart' /\bppp +bap +maxretry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bap maxretry' /\bppp +bap +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bap restart' /\bppp +bcp +lanid\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bcp lanid' /\bppp +bcp +maxconfigure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bcp maxconfigure' /\bppp +bcp +maxfailure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bcp maxfailure' /\bppp +bcp +maxterminate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bcp maxterminate' /\bppp +bcp +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bcp restart' /\bppp +bcp +tinycomp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp bcp tinycomp' /\bppp +ccp +maxconfigure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ccp maxconfigure' /\bppp +ccp +maxfailure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ccp maxfailure' /\bppp +ccp +maxterminate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ccp maxterminate' /\bppp +ccp +no-encryption\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ccp no-encryption' /\bppp +ccp +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ccp restart' /\bppp +ccp +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ccp type' /\bppp +chap +maxchallenge\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp chap maxchallenge' /\bppp +chap +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp chap restart' /\bppp +ipcp +ipaddress\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp ipaddress' /\bppp +ipcp +maxconfigure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp maxconfigure' /\bppp +ipcp +maxfailure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp maxfailure' /\bppp +ipcp +maxterminate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp maxterminate' /\bppp +ipcp +msext\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp msext' /\bppp +ipcp +remote +address +check\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp remote address check' /\bppp +ipcp +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp restart' /\bppp +ipcp +vjc\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipcp vjc' /\bppp +ipv6cp +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipv6cp use' /\bppp +ipxcp +maxconfigure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipxcp maxconfigure' /\bppp +ipxcp +maxfailure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipxcp maxfailure' /\bppp +ipxcp +maxterminate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipxcp maxterminate' /\bppp +ipxcp +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp ipxcp restart' /\bppp +lcp +accm\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp accm' /\bppp +lcp +acfc\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp acfc' /\bppp +lcp +magicnumber\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp magicnumber' /\bppp +lcp +maxconfigure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp maxconfigure' /\bppp +lcp +maxfailure\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp maxfailure' /\bppp +lcp +maxterminate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp maxterminate' /\bppp +lcp +mru\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp mru' /\bppp +lcp +pfc\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp pfc' /\bppp +lcp +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp restart' /\bppp +lcp +silent\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp lcp silent' /\bppp +mp +control\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp control' /\bppp +mp +divide\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp divide' /\bppp +mp +interleave\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp interleave' /\bppp +mp +load +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp load threshold' /\bppp +mp +maxlink\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp maxlink' /\bppp +mp +minlink\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp minlink' /\bppp +mp +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp timer' /\bppp +mp +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mp use' /\bppp +mscbcp +maxretry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mscbcp maxretry' /\bppp +mscbcp +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp mscbcp restart' /\bppp +pap +maxauthreq\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp pap maxauthreq' /\bppp +pap +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'ppp pap restart' /\bpppoe +access +concentrator\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe access concentrator' /\bpppoe +auto +connect\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe auto connect' /\bpppoe +auto +disconnect\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe auto disconnect' /\bpppoe +disconnect +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe disconnect time' /\bpppoe +invalid-session +forced +close\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe invalid-session forced close' /\bpppoe +padi +maxretry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe padi maxretry' /\bpppoe +padi +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe padi restart' /\bpppoe +padr +maxretry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe padr maxretry' /\bpppoe +padr +restart\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe padr restart' /\bpppoe +service-name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe service-name' /\bpppoe +tcp +mss +limit\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe tcp mss limit' /\bpppoe +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pppoe use' /\bpptp +call-id +mode\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp call-id mode' /\bpptp +hostname\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp hostname' /\bpptp +keepalive +interval\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp keepalive interval' /\bpptp +keepalive +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp keepalive log' /\bpptp +keepalive +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp keepalive use' /\bpptp +service +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp service type' /\bpptp +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp service' /\bpptp +syslog\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp syslog' /\bpptp +tunnel +disconnect +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp tunnel disconnect time' /\bpptp +window +size\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pptp window size' /\bpri +leased +channel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pri leased channel' /\bpri +loopback +active\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pri loopback active' /\bpri +loopback +passive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'pri loopback passive' /\bprovider +auto +connect +forced +disable\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider auto connect forced disable' /\bprovider +dns +server +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider dns server pp' /\bprovider +dns +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider dns server' /\bprovider +filter +routing\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider filter routing' /\bprovider +ipv6 +connect +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider ipv6 connect pp' /\bprovider +ntp +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider ntp server' /\bprovider +ntpdate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider ntpdate' /\bprovider +select\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider select' /\bprovider +set\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider set' /\bprovider +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'provider type' "provider"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_PROVIDER, @off /\bqueue +class +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'queue class filter' /\bqueue +pp +class +filter +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'queue pp class filter list' /\bqueue +pp +class +property\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'queue pp class property' /\bqueue +pp +default +class\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'queue pp default class' /\bqueue +pp +length\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'queue pp length' /\bqueue +pp +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'queue pp type' /\bqueue +tunnel +class +filter +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'queue tunnel class filter list' "queue"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_QUEUE, @off "quit"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bradius +account +port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius account port' /\bradius +account +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius account server' /\bradius +account\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius account' /\bradius +auth +port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius auth port' /\bradius +auth +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius auth server' /\bradius +auth\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius auth' /\bradius +retry\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius retry' /\bradius +secret\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius secret' /\bradius +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'radius server' "rdate"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bremote +setup +accept\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'remote setup accept' /\bremote +setup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'remote setup' "restart"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\brip +filter +rule\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'rip filter rule' /\brip +preference\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'rip preference' /\brip +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'rip timer' /\brip +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'rip use' "save"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bschedule +at\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'schedule at' /\bsd +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sd use' /\bsecurity +class\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'security class' "set-default-config"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "set-default-exec"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bshow +account +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show account pp' /\bshow +account\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show account' /\bshow +arp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show arp' /\bshow +bridge +learning\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show bridge learning' /\bshow +command\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show command' /\bshow +config +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show config list' /\bshow +config +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show config pp' /\bshow +config +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show config tunnel' /\bshow +config\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show config' /\bshow +diagnosis +config +port +access\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show diagnosis config port access' /\bshow +diagnosis +config +port +map\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show diagnosis config port map' /\bshow +dlci\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show dlci' /\bshow +environment\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show environment' /\bshow +exec +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show exec list' /\bshow +file +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show file list' /\bshow +history\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show history' /\bshow +ip +connection +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip connection pp' /\bshow +ip +connection +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip connection tunnel' /\bshow +ip +connection\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip connection' /\bshow +ip +intrusion +detection +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip intrusion detection pp' /\bshow +ip +intrusion +detection +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip intrusion detection tunnel' /\bshow +ip +intrusion +detection\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip intrusion detection' /\bshow +ip +mroute\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip mroute' /\bshow +ip +rip +table\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip rip table' /\bshow +ip +route\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip route' /\bshow +ip +secure +filter +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip secure filter pp' /\bshow +ip +secure +filter +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip secure filter tunnel' /\bshow +ip +secure +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip secure filter' /\bshow +ip +traffic +list +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip traffic list pp' /\bshow +ip +traffic +list +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip traffic list tunnel' /\bshow +ip +traffic +list\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ip traffic list' /\bshow +ipsec +sa +gateway\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipsec sa gateway' /\bshow +ipsec +sa\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipsec sa' /\bshow +ipv6 +address +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 address pp' /\bshow +ipv6 +address +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 address tunnel' /\bshow +ipv6 +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 address' /\bshow +ipv6 +connection +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 connection pp' /\bshow +ipv6 +connection +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 connection tunnel' /\bshow +ipv6 +connection\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 connection' /\bshow +ipv6 +mrout +fib\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 mrout fib' /\bshow +ipv6 +neighbor +cache\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 neighbor cache' /\bshow +ipv6 +ospf\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 ospf' /\bshow +ipv6 +rip +table\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 rip table' /\bshow +ipv6 +route\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipv6 route' /\bshow +ipx +ipxwan\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipx ipxwan' /\bshow +ipx +route\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipx route' /\bshow +ipx +sap\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show ipx sap' /\bshow +line +masterclock\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show line masterclock' /\bshow +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show log' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor address' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +interface +address +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor interface address pp' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +interface +address +tunnel\b/i,CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor interface address tunnel' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +interface +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor interface address' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +interface +bind +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor interface bind pp' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +interface +bind +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor interface bind tunnel' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +interface +bind\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor interface bind' /\bshow +nat +descriptor +masquerade +port +summary\b/i,CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show nat descriptor masquerade port summary' /\bshow +pp +connect +time\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show pp connect time' /\bshow +sshd +public +key\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show sshd public key' /\bshow +status +backup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status backup' /\bshow +status +bgp +neighbor\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status bgp neighbor' /\bshow +status +cooperation\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status cooperation' /\bshow +status +dhcpc\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status dhcpc' /\bshow +status +dhcp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status dhcp' /\bshow +status +external-memory\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status external-memory' /\bshow +status +heartbeat\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status heartbeat' /\bshow +status +ip +igmp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ip igmp' /\bshow +status +ip +inbound +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ip inbound filter' /\bshow +status +ip +keepalive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ip keepalive' /\bshow +status +ip +pim +sparse\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ip pim sparse' /\bshow +status +ip +policy +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ip policy filter' /\bshow +status +ip +policy +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ip policy service' /\bshow +status +ipv6 +inbound +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ipv6 inbound filter' /\bshow +status +ipv6 +mld\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ipv6 mld' /\bshow +status +ipv6 +policy +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ipv6 policy filter' /\bshow +status +ipv6 +policy +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ipv6 policy service' /\bshow +status +mail +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status mail service' /\bshow +status +netvolante-dns +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status netvolante-dns pp' /\bshow +status +netvolante-dns\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status netvolante-dns' /\bshow +status +ospf\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status ospf' /\bshow +status +packet-buffer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status packet-buffer' /\bshow +status +pptp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status pptp' /\bshow +status +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status pp' /\bshow +status +qos\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status qos' /\bshow +status +remote +setup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status remote setup' /\bshow +status +sd\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status sd' /\bshow +status +switching-hub +macaddress\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status switching-hub macaddress' /\bshow +status +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status tunnel' /\bshow +status +upnp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status upnp' /\bshow +status +usbhost\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status usbhost' /\bshow +status +user\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status user' /\bshow +status +vlan\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status vlan' /\bshow +status +vrrp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status vrrp' /\bshow +status\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show status' /\bshow +techinfo\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show techinfo' /\bshow +url +filter +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show url filter pp' /\bshow +url +filter +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show url filter tunnel' /\bshow +url +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'show url filter' "show"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bsnmp +community +read-only\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp community read-only' /\bsnmp +community +read-write\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp community read-write' /\bsnmp +display +ipcp +force\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp display ipcp force' /\bsnmp +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp host' /\bsnmp +local +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp local address' /\bsnmp +syscontact\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp syscontact' /\bsnmp +syslocation\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp syslocation' /\bsnmp +sysname\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp sysname' /\bsnmp +trap +community\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp trap community' /\bsnmp +trap +enable +snmp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp trap enable snmp' /\bsnmp +trap +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp trap host' /\bsnmp +trap +link-updown +separate-l2switch-port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp trap link-updown separate-l2switch-port' /\bsnmp +trap +send +linkdown +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp trap send linkdown pp' /\bsnmp +trap +send +linkdown +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp trap send linkdown tunnel' /\bsnmp +trap +send +linkdown\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp trap send linkdown' /\bsnmp +yrifppdisplayatmib2\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp yrifppdisplayatmib2' /\bsnmp +yriftunneldisplayatmib2\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'snmp yriftunneldisplayatmib2' /\bsntpd +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sntpd host' /\bsntpd +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sntpd service' /\bspeed +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'speed pp' "speed"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bsshd +client +alive\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sshd client alive' /\bsshd +host +key +generate\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sshd host key generate' /\bsshd +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sshd host' /\bsshd +listen\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sshd listen' /\bsshd +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sshd service' /\bsshd +session\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'sshd session' "statistics"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\bsyslog +debug\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog debug' /\bsyslog +execute +command\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog execute command' /\bsyslog +facility\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog facility' /\bsyslog +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog host' /\bsyslog +info\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog info' /\bsyslog +local +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog local address' /\bsyslog +notice\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog notice' /\bsyslog +srcport\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'syslog srcport' /\bsystem +led +brightness\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'system led brightness' /\bsystem +packet-buffer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'system packet-buffer' /\bsystem +power\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'system power' /\bsystem +temperature +threshold\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'system temperature threshold' /\btcp +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tcp log' /\btelnetd +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'telnetd host' /\btelnetd +listen\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'telnetd listen' /\btelnetd +service\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'telnetd service' /\btelnetd +session\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'telnetd session' "telnet"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\btftp +host\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tftp host' "timezone"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "time"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "traceroute6"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "traceroute"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG /\btunnel +backup +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel backup pp' /\btunnel +backup +tunnel\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel backup tunnel' /\btunnel +backup\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel backup' /\btunnel +disable\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel disable' /\btunnel +enable\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel enable' /\btunnel +encapsulation\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel encapsulation' /\btunnel +endpoint +address\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel endpoint address' /\btunnel +endpoint +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel endpoint name' /\btunnel +name\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel name' /\btunnel +select\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel select' /\btunnel +template\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'tunnel template' /\bupnp +external +address +refer +pp\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'upnp external address refer pp' /\bupnp +external +address +refer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'upnp external address refer' /\bupnp +port +mapping +timer +type\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'upnp port mapping timer type' /\bupnp +port +mapping +timer\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'upnp port mapping timer' /\bupnp +syslog\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'upnp syslog' /\bupnp +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'upnp use' /\burl +filter +log\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'url filter log' /\burl +filter +port\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'url filter port' /\burl +filter +reject\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'url filter reject' /\burl +filter +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'url filter use' /\burl +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'url filter' /\burl +pp +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'url pp filter' /\burl +tunnel +filter\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'url tunnel filter' "url"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_URL, @off /\busbhost +config +filename\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'usbhost config filename' /\busbhost +exec +filename\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'usbhost exec filename' /\busbhost +modem +flow +control\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'usbhost modem flow control' /\busbhost +modem +initialize\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'usbhost modem initialize' /\busbhost +statistics +filename +prefix\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'usbhost statistics filename prefix' /\busbhost +syslog +filename\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'usbhost syslog filename' /\busbhost +use\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'usbhost use' /\buser +attribute\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'user attribute' /\bvlan +port +mapping\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'vlan port mapping' "vlan"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo CMD_VLAN, @off /\bwins +server\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'wins server' /\bwol +send\b/i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG, @'wol send' Default, FgText @'bridge \c\c filter'i @'bridge \c\c learning'i @'ethernet \c\c filter'i @'ip \c\c address'i @'ip \c\c arp mtu discovery'i @'ip \c\c arp queue length'i @'ip \c\c arp static'i @'ip \c\c dhcp lease time'i @'ip \c\c dhcp retry'i @'ip \c\c forward filter'i @'ip \c\c igmp static'i @'ip \c\c igmp'i @'ip \c\c inbound filter list'i @'ip \c\c intrusion detection notice-interval'i @'ip \c\c intrusion detection repeat-control'i @'ip \c\c intrusion detection report'i @'ip \c\c intrusion detection threshold'i @'ip \c\c intrusion detection'i @'ip \c\c mtu'i @'ip \c\c nat descriptor'i @'ip \c\c ospf area'i @'ip \c\c ospf neighbor'i @'ip \c\c pim sparse'i @'ip \c\c proxyarp vrrp'i @'ip \c\c proxyarp'i @'ip \c\c rip auth key text'i @'ip \c\c rip auth key'i @'ip \c\c rip auth type'i @'ip \c\c rip filter'i @'ip \c\c rip force-to-advertise'i @'ip \c\c rip hop'i @'ip \c\c rip receive'i @'ip \c\c rip send'i @'ip \c\c rip trust gateway'i @'ip \c\c secondary address'i @'ip \c\c secure filter name'i @'ip \c\c secure filter'i @'ip \c\c tcp mss limit'i @'ip \c\c traffic list threshold'i @'ip \c\c traffic list'i @'ip \c\c vrrp shutdown trigger'i @'ip \c\c vrrp'i @'ip \c\c wol relay'i @'ipv6 \c\c address'i @'ipv6 \c\c dad retry count'i @'ipv6 \c\c inbound filter list'i @'ipv6 \c\c mld static'i @'ipv6 \c\c mld'i @'ipv6 \c\c mtu'i @'ipv6 \c\c ospf area'i @'ipv6 \c\c prefix'i @'ipv6 \c\c rip filter'i @'ipv6 \c\c rip hop'i @'ipv6 \c\c rip receive'i @'ipv6 \c\c rip send'i @'ipv6 \c\c rip trust gateway'i @'ipv6 \c\c rtadv send'i @'ipv6 \c\c secure filter'i @'ipv6 \c\c tcp mss limit'i @'ipx \c\c frame type'i @'ipx \c\c network'i @'ipx \c\c ripsap broadcast'i @'ipx \c\c route'i @'ipx \c\c secure filter'i @'provider \c\c dns server'i @'provider \c\c name'i @'queue \c\c class control'i @'queue \c\c class filter list'i @'queue \c\c class property'i @'queue \c\c default class secondary'i @'queue \c\c default class'i @'queue \c\c length secondary'i @'queue \c\c length'i @'queue \c\c type'i @'url \c\c filter'i @'vlan \c\c 802.1q'i } Context CMD_BRIDGE, CMD_ETHERNET, CMD_IP, CMD_IPV6, CMD_IPX, CMD_PROVIDER, CMD_QUEUE, CMD_URL, CMD_VLAN: { /\bbri\d(\.\d)?\b/i, FgIdentifier /\blan\d((\/|\.)\d)?\b/i, FgIdentifier /\bloopback\d\b/i, FgIdentifier /\bpri\d\b/i, FgIdentifier /\bvlan\d\b/i, FgIdentifier "null"i, FgIdentifier /$/, GoTo 1 Default, FgText } Context CMD_BRIDGE: { "filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "learning"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_ETHERNET: { "filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_IP: { "address"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "arp mtu discovery"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "arp queue length"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "arp static"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "dhcp lease time"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "dhcp retry"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "forward filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "igmp static"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "igmp"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "inbound filter list"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "intrusion detection notice-interval"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "intrusion detection repeat-control"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "intrusion detection report"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "intrusion detection threshold"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "intrusion detection"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "mtu"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "nat descriptor"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "ospf area"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "ospf neighbor"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "pim sparse"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "proxyarp vrrp"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "proxyarp"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip auth key text"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip auth key"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip auth type"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip force-to-advertise"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip hop"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip receive"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip send"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip trust gateway"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "secondary address"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "secure filter name"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "secure filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "tcp mss limit"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "traffic list threshold"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "traffic list"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "vrrp shutdown trigger"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "vrrp"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "wol relay"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_IPV6: { "address"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "dad retry count"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "inbound filter list"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "mld static"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "mld"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "mtu"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "ospf area"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "prefix"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip hop"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip receive"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip send"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rip trust gateway"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "rtadv send"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "secure filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "tcp mss limit"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_IPX: { "frame type"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "network"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "ripsap broadcast"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "route"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "secure filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_PROVIDER: { "dns server"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "name"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_QUEUE: { "class control"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "class filter list"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "class property"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "default class secondary"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "default class"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "length secondary"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "length"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG "type"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_URL: { "filter"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } Context CMD_VLAN: { "802.1q"i, CMDCOLOR, GoTo ARG } /* END OF KWD */